Nō hea ahau?

E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, o Te Kawarau a Maki e noho ana nei au.

I te tāha ō tōkū māmā, ko Ingarangi, ko Wiwi ōku tūpuna. 

I te tāha ō tōku pāpā, Ko Kōtarani, ko Ingarangi, ko Aerani ōku iwi.

Ko Tangata Te Tiriti ahau.

I whanau mai ahau i Tamaki Mākaurau, erangi i tipu ake ai ahau i Te Raki Paewhenua me Papua Nu Kuini.

Nāianei e noho ana ahau kei Te Kopua (Henderson) ki tōku hoa rangatira mātou wāna tamariki. 

Ko Louise tōku ingoa.

Wōku whanau

Ko Joy tōku Māmā. Ko John tōku Pāpā. Ko Nicholas tōku tungāne. Ko Jago rāua ko Rory wāku irāmutu. Ko Campbell tōku hoa rangatira, ā, ko Lola rāua ko Valentine wāna tamariki

I am the daughter of Joy and John, sister of Nick, Aunty to Jago, and partner to Campbell. I also help my partner look after his tamariki -Lola and Valentine.

I tōku tamarikitanga

I was born in Tamaki Mākarau, but brought up in Bayview Glenfield. When I was six years old, my whanau moved to Lae- PNG. and I spent 4 and half years of my primary education in an International school there. Spending my childhood in a tropical country that was going through internal conflict definitely help shape who I am today. 

Mahi Kaiako

I have worked in primary schools in different roles for over 20 years in Aotearoa and England. Most of my teaching practice has been with NE/Y1 and Y7 and Y8 students.

For the last four years I have been working with Y7 and 8 students in West Auckland. This year I am on study leave.